Frequently Asked Questions


UNIKLEARN is a life skills and vocational training programme for young adults (age 16 and above) with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Neurodevelopmental disorders are impairments of the growth and development of the brain and/or central nervous system. In other words, a disorder of brain function that affects emotion, learning ability, self-control and memory which shows as an individual develops and grows.

The list of neurodevelopmental disorders currently recognized include and are not limited to:

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Developmental language disorder (DLD; formerly known as Specific Language Impairment - SLI)
  • Communication, speech, or language disorders, expressive language disorder, fluency disorder, social (pragmatic) communication disorder, and speech sound disorder
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Intellectual disabilities (IDs) or intellectual development disorder (IDD) and global developmental delay (GDD)
  • Motor disorders including developmental coordination disorder, stereotypic movement disorder, and tic disorders (such as Tourette's syndrome), and Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
  • Neurogenetic disorders, such as Fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, hypogonadotropic hypogonadal syndromes
  • Specific learning disorders, like dyslexia or dyscalculia
  • Traumatic brain injury (including congenital injuries such as those that cause cerebral palsy and disorders due to neurotoxicants like fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
  • Minamata disease caused by mercury
  • Behavioral disorders including conduct disorder etc. caused by other heavy metals, such as lead, chromium, platinum etc., or hydrocarbons like dioxin, PBDEs and PCBs, medications and illegal drugs, like cocaine and others

An-Nur Harapan is the name of the registered business entity (the company).

UNIKLEARN is An-Nur-Harapan’s flagship programme, which it owns and manages.

UNIKLEARN teaches life and employability skills to achieve greater independence and prepare for transition to adulthood, employment or further education

Based on their needs, abilities and interest trainees, learn to identify life and career goals, gained valuable experiences through exposure, social interaction, volunteer service and other community engagement.

Most special needs organizations in Brunei cater to the early development stages and offer therapy-based sessions.

UNIKLEARN focuses on young adults with neurodevelopmental disorders transitioning to adulthood, preparing them for real life employment.

UNIKLEARN training days and hours are as follows:

Monday - Thursday: 8:00am to 12:00pm
  (Lunch Break: 12:00pm to 1:30pm)
  1:30pm to 4:30pm
Friday:  7:45am to 11:45am

One UNIKLEARN cycle runs for one year (12 months).

UNIKLEARN trainees undergo training at our centre from January to September and work placement from October to December (subject to change).


  • Must be diagnosed with/have suspected diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Aged 16 and above.
  • Residing in Brunei Darussalam
  • Able to commit full time to the 12 months training programme (January to December).
  • Have their own transportation arrangements.
  • Have basic hygiene and grooming skills.
  • Have basic self-care skills (hygiene and grooming).
  • Will not be enrolled in any other programmes while in UNIKLEARN.
  • Subject to interview and assessment by UNIKLEARN trainers and staff.
        Registration Open: October
        Registration Deadline: 15 November
        Assessment: December
       Programme Starts: January to the following year
       In- Centre Training:   January to September
       Internship/ Work Placement:          October to December
       Programme Completion: December 

*Training session may move subject to change, due to national directives and other major national/regional/international developments, e.g.COVID-19

UNIKLEARN is a one year long intensive programme. The trainees and families are expected to commit to the days, hours and activities while enrolled at UNIKLEARN.

In addition to ensuring the minimal registration requirements are met, UNIKLEARN candidates will undergo:

  • Functional Assessment
  • Questionnaires
  • Interview

UNIKLEARN is open to youth with neurodevelopmental disorders age 16 and above. We have had school leavers, high school graduates and those who are unemployed enrolled in the programme.

UNIKLEARN is open to youth with neurodevelopmental disorders age 16 and above. Neurodevelopmental disorders are impairments of the growth and development of the brain and/or central nervous system. In other words, a disorder of brain function that affects emotion, learning ability, self-control and memory which shows as an individual develops and grows.

Each year we have had 5-8 trainees in UNIKLEARN. We can cater up to 10 trainees per session year. Our focus is to provide trainees with quality and an optimal training experience.

UNIKLEARN Training Programme

Monday - Thursday:          7:45 AM to 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM

UNIKLEARN honours national public holidays. There are session breaks that may align with school holidays or “off-days” given as and when needed.

After completion, UNIKLEARN does regular check-in with its alumni trainees and offers after-care advice and guidance. Former UNIKLEARN trainees typically continue on internship, get a job or further their education or trainings.

At UNIKLEARN, we keep track of the trainees’ progress by keeping data or record of their performance. Their report and progress are shared with their parents/guardians on regular Parents- Trainers Meetings (PTMs).

Fees and Provisions

An-Nur Harapan raises the funds for the trainees to cover the cost of training. Once enrolled into the programme, UNIKLEARN trainees are required to pay one-time enrollment fees and affordable monthly maintenance fees.

An-Nur Harapan raises the funds for the enrolled trainees to be able to continue and commit to the programme. The families can go to the relevant government welfare channels for welfare claims.

Trainees are required to bring their own snacks and lunches. Utensils are to be prepared from home and strictly not to be shared with other trainees or trainers.

We encourage the trainees to have lunch with their families. They are welcome to stay back if logistical arrangements are not available for the families to fetch them during lunch. Our staff and trainers are on supervisory duty throughout the day.


We job-match the trainees based on their strengths or interests.

We have had trainees working in the hospitality industry, food & beverages, security, administration and even started their own business.

We do not guarantee employment after being enrolled in UNIKLEARN.

About 30-60 percent of UNIKLEARN trainees go on to secure employment.

Get Involved

An-Nur Harapan manages and raises funds for UNIKLEARN to run.

An-Nur Harapan relies on the consideration and generosity of individuals or organizations to keep its mission going of helping vulnerable groups in the community. We have had the government, private entities and individuals donate to the UNIKLEARN programme. All financial and in-kind proceeds go to the operations of UNIKLEARN training programme and centre.

All vacancies have been filled. Do check our Instagram or website for any announcements of vacancies.

We always welcome volunteers and there are so many ways they can help out.

  • Spend time with and get to know the trainees.
  • Gained credit hours for volunteering or internship
  • Gives talks and conducts sharing sessions regarding interest or careers.
  • Conduct vocational classes such as baking, housekeeping, etc.
  • Participate in An-Nur Harapan or UNIKLEARN related events.

You can contact us via our email at or phone number 8123736 to know more.

UNIKLEARN has a Wish List that is regularly updates and its available in the highlights section of our Instagram.

Please Direct Message (DM) us on Instagram, drop us an email at  or contact us on phone number 8123736 to know more.

COVID-19 Related

Yes, as of the end of November 2021, all staff and UNIKLEARN 2021 trainees will be fully vaccinated (two doses).

Yes, it is highly encouraged. However, the trainees’ vaccination statuses will be considered on a case-by-case basis (e.g., with a valid reason such as allergy or on warfarin).

Yes, the center follows strict SOP based on the guidelines detailed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) Brunei. The SOP are to be practiced by every individual present at the centre (trainers/trainees/guests/etc.);

  1. Check the colour code on Bruhealth

    Green Code

    Yellow Code

    Red Code

    Purple Code

    Blue Code


    Individuals who have to monitor health and movement, and prevent infection

    Low-risk Suspicion

    Individuals who needs to take extra precautions and constantly monitor own health

    High-risk Suspicion

    Individuals with influenza-like symptoms or has travel history or contact with a positive patient who needs to get COVID-19 test as soon as possible

    Confirmed COVID-19 patient

    Individuals who must actively cooperate in the treatment of COVID-19 in isolation

    Recovered patient

    Individuals who has recovered and undergoing the 21-day/14-day quarantine period, needs to protect oneself and timely monitor health, and prevent re-infection

    Allowed to enter centre or participate in activities

    NOT allowed to enter centre or participate in activities

  2. Check or scan body temperature
    Normal Temperature Moderate Fever High Fever
    35.4°C - 37.6°C 37.7°C - 39.4°C >39.4°C

    Allowed to enter centre or participate in activities

    NOT allowed to enter centre or participate in activities

  3. Frequent practice of the MOH recommended 6-steps hand washing or rubbing with alcohol-based sanitizer during:
    1. Upon entering and leaving the premise
    2. Before handling, preparing or eating food
    3. Before and after assisting others
    4. Before and after providing first aid or medication
    5. Before and after touching an ill or injured person
    6. After touching body fluids
    7. After removal of protective gloves
    8. After using the toilet
    9. After touching animals/pets
    10. After every activity and when hands become soiled
  4. Maintain the MOH recommended 1.5 metre social distancing at all times. Strictly no physical contact with others. Physical meetings should be conducted in wide meeting rooms with alternate seats separated
  5. Appropriate wearing of face masks at all times (regardless of vaccination status) according to the guidelines provided by MOH:
    1. Wear a 3-ply (three layer of fabric) face mask. Do not wear worn/ripped/damp/loose face mask or neck gaiters or bandana
    2. Face masks must snugly cover the wearer’s nose and mouth without leaving any gaps. Do not wear it below your nose or chin, neither should it cover your sight
    3. Use double mask when one mask does not snugly fit against the face and when it is only made from one layer of fabric
    4. Avoid touching your mask while wearing it. If touched, wash or sanitize hands immediately
  6. Do not touch any parts of the face. Do not touch the nose, the eyes or the mouth. If touched, wash them with water and soap immediately
  7. Individuals feeling ill are not to come to the centre. If symptoms develop while at the centre, notify the person-in-charge. Symptomatic individuals will be isolated at a designated place while waiting to be picked up by parents/guardians. Advise to seek medical attention at the nearest health centre
  8. Regularly sanitize/clean workplace and personal belongings, such that:
    1. Immediately after spills of body fluids
    2. The frequently touched surfaces
    3. The common areas based on the ‘Guidelines on Infection Prevention and Standard Precautions for Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures in Schools’ given by the MOH
  9. Practice respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
    1. Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
    2. Use tissue paper to contain respiratory secretions and dispose them immediately in a lidded bin
    3. Wash hands after being in contact with respiratory secretions
    4. Isolate sick staff or students at a designated area (eg, sick bay) and send them home or wait until they are picked up by their parents/guardians Advise to seek medical attention at the nearest health centre
  10. The centre has adequate ventilation in the forms of natural ventilation and air-conditioning system, and fans which promotes supply of fresh and clean air, and exhaust air with dilute airborne contaminants in a controllable flow.

It is highly encouraged for the trainees to have basic knowledge or practice to prevent the spread of COVID-19 before commencing training at the centre, such as:

  1. The importance of wearing a mask properly
  2. Proper hand washing and maintenance of personal hygiene
  3. Covering mouth when sneezing or coughing
  4. Appropriate cleaning and disinfecting workplace and belongings
  5. Appropriate handling and disposal of waste

Nevertheless, the trainees will be taught the SOPs and practice them continuously during training.

The training session may change or move online, if required, and in accordance with national directives.

How To Find Us

We are located at Jalan Kebangsaan, Sungai Akar and around the vicinity of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and sports as well as ASEAN Embassies (Diplomatic Enclave).


An-Nur Harapan | UNIKLEARN
B17, Simpang 336- 52,
Jalan Kebangsaan, Kg, Sungai Akar. BA1210.

An-Nur Harapan HQ | UNIKLEARN Training Centre

Training Hours:


Monday — Thursday: 7:45 AM to 12:00 AM & 1: 00 PM to 4:30 PM
Visiting Hours                 
Monday — Thursday:               7:45 AM to 12:00 PM & 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM


Phone (Call/Whatsapp/SMS:            812 3736

Social Media:

@uniklearn (Instagram)